

Keynote Speakers
序号 姓  名 单  位 题目
1 Bob Schmitz University of Georgia Deciphering cis-regulatory elements at single-cell resolution in plants
Vivianne GAA
Wageningen University Functional diversification of the potato immune receptor PERU at its center of origin
3 晁代印 中国科学院分子植物卓越中心 A GAPLESS Casparian strip for plant homeostasis
4 戴俊彪 中国农科院深圳农业基因组所 SynMoss: Design and synthesize a plant genome
5 黄三文 中国热带农业科学院

The reinvention of potato and the PLANeT initiative

6 戚益军 清华大学 RNA regulation in plants
7 王   文 西北工业大学 Deciphering animal complex traits by evolutionary genomics
8 白   洋 遗传发育所/北大 Interactions between root microbiome and crops
9 张强锋 清华大学 AI approaches to single-cell genomics
序号 姓  名 单  位 题目
1 陈   栩 福建农林大学 Auxin regulation on soybean nodulation: from mechanisms to opportunities in breeding
2 程   汉 中国热科院橡胶所 Haplotype-resolved genome helps deciphing yield component traits in rubber tree
3 刘建全 兰州大学 Genomic structural variations and environmental adaptations
4 王春明 南京农业大学 Progress report on nitrogen use efficiency and salt tolerance in rice
5 黄学辉 上海师范大学 The development of an intelligent breeding system in rice
6 赖锦盛 中国农业大学

The complete Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of maize and beyond

7 李红菊 中国科学院遗传发育所 The molecular regulation and evolution of plant fertilization
8 李建彩 中国科学院分子植物卓越中心

The retrograde evolutionary assembly safely switches a terpenoid pathway from indirect to direct defense

9 李文学 中国农科院作科所 Biofortification of iron content by regulating a NAC transcription factor in maize
10 李兴旺 华中农业大学

Simultaneous Profiling of Chromatin-Associated RNA at Targeted DNA Loci and RNA-RNA Interactions through TaDRIM-seq

11 田   丰 中国农业大学 Maize smart-canopy architecture enhances yield at high densities
12 鲁    非 中国科学院遗传发育所 A high-resolution map of evolutionary constraint in bread wheat using Triticeae genomes
13 罗    杰 海南大学 Identification and regulation of metabolic gene clusters in plants
14 倪中福 中国农业大学 Dissection of the molecular basis underlining spike morphology in wheat species (Triticum L.)
15 宋献军 中国科学院植物所 The genetic basis of histone acetylation-centered regulation of grain size in rice
16 唐朝荣 海南大学 Pan-genome and phylogenomic analyses highlight Hevea species delineation and rubber trait evolution
王   静 四川农业大学 E3 ligases contribute to the balance between rice immunity and growth via different pathways
18 武旭娜 云南大学 Transceptor NRT1.1 and receptor-kinase QSK1 complex controls PM H+-ATPase activity under low nitrate
19 胥国勇 武汉大学 Precise annotation of RNA regulatory elements and their application in crop defense engineering
20 徐明良
A calcium-dependent protein kinase mediates quantitative resistance to multiple foliar diseases in maize
21 杨   宁
华中农业大学 The population genetic studies of Zea genus
22 张  飞 华中农业大学 A molecular pathway for the development of Citrus oil gland
23 张   鹏 中国科学院分子植物卓越中心 Structure guided engineering of Guard cell channels/transporters to boost photosynthesis
24 张天真 浙江大学
Breeding by Design Strategy in Cotton in China
25 张亮生 浙江大学 The Angiosperm genomes and its gene resources mining
26 张一婧 复旦大学 Harmony in Diversity: Functional Epigenomic Study of Wheat Polyploidy
27 肖   军 中国科学院遗传发育所 Systemic identification of yield regulators via integration of multi-omics in wheat
28 吴   双 福建农林大学 Trichome regulation in tomato and its potential application in breeding
29 王佳伟 中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 Reciprocal conversion between annual and polycarpic perennial flowering behaviour in the Brassicaceae


顾周琳 中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 Genetic improvements during rice hybrid breeding and its implications for design breeding
31 芦思佳 广州大学
Subfunctionalization and self-repression of duplicated homologues finetunes soybean flowering and adaptation
32 祝   涛 南京大学
Comprehensive mapping and modelling of the rice regulome landscape unveils the regulatory architecture underlying complex traits
33 刘   洋 中国科学院遗传发育所
Overriding Mendelian inheritance in Arabidopsis with a CRISPR toxin–antidote gene drive that impairs pollen germination
34 桑   田 南方科技大学
Highly sensitive site-specific SUMOylation proteomics in Arabidopsis
35 李鹍鹏 中国科学院植物研究所
Identification of errors in draft genome assemblies at single-nucleotide resolution for quality assessment and improvement
36 黄   兴 中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所
Maize DDK1 encoding an Importin-4 β protein is essential for seed development and grain filling by mediating nuclear exporting of eIF1A
37 程时锋 中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所
Understanding and Harnessing Traits for Breeding

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